A locker

There are many ways to tell the story of a place and many elements you can focus on: faces, spaces, things that happen there.  There are times instead that it can be told through a small element which ignites your immagination.

These are the lockers of  the Bocciofila Caccialanza, one of the historical bowls club of Milan, very closed to via Padova and active since 1962. The lockers showed me private lives.


The lockers showed me life stories of the bowls players, the patrons of the club, most of men, aged from 65 to 90, who meet up each other every day. At the Caccialanza bowls club you do not only play bowls and cards, here you play in the tournaments and you can tell jokes, drinking wine and sometimes falling asleep. Each locker is a small world, like the Bocciofila caccialanza itself. Opening a locker is like looking through a window and imagine how life could be beyond.

- Sara Ruggeri   

aislab 2020— Milan, Italy